Rev. Thomas A. Lawless, OSFS Library
Salesianum School | Wilmington, DE | 4,900 sf |
Salesianum School, a private high school for boys founded in 1903, is steeped in history and tradition. Students are guided by the teachings of St. Francis de Sales, the patron saint of Salesianum, who encourages all Salesians to “be who you are, and be that well.”
To help students develop to their fullest potential, Salesianum has been upgrading its campus over the past decade. The Fr. Thomas A. Lawless, OSFS, Library was one of the few remaining spaces to be revitalized and renewed. Transitioning from a traditional library to a collaborative learning space included reducing the number of written volumes and providing new technologies to allow students to work and learn at varying methods. Private team rooms within the library allow small groups to work independently on projects. ( The rooms have become so popular they have to be reserved several weeks in advance.) Carefully planned zones within the library allow for both structured and casual learning environments.
Both before and after classes, the library has become one of the most popular spaces with the students. While the refreshed space is both bright and welcoming, The Lawless Library has renewed its mission to educate the young men of Salesianum in the example of St. Francis de Sales, who proclaimed that “Knowledge is the Eighth Sacrament of The Church”.